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Fumigation is a treatment in pest control, where fumigated space (e.g., silo or container) is filled with fumigants.

During fumigation procedure, gas concentration is continuously measured.

Fumigated space is always marked with appropriate signs. Warning label contains the time, when entry to the site is prohibited.

Fumigation is a dangerous procedure, because fumigants are toxic to all life forms, including mankind. Fumigators need to have the required skills and professionalism, as well as the necessary certificates issued by the authorities.

Fumigations in Finland:

Fumigations in Finland are carried out by using products in the register maintained by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes).

Gafta GTAS certification:

We are certified as Gafta Approved Fumigators.

Our references:

Over the years, we have made several grain fumigations to various grain silos, level storages, vessels and containers.

We perform fumigation to silos by using pellet-type fumigant. Fumigant is applied manually. Together with silo staff, we make sure that the silo is suitable for fumigation. If necessary, we will seal any hatches and gaps to prevent any gas leaks.

We have gassed both 20 foot (TEU) and 40/45 foot (FEU) containers. Our fumigation procedure also makes sure that container is suitable for fumigation.

Our products:

We use both pellet and plate type of fumigants. We have an exclusive right to use both substances in Finland.

Active ingredient of pellet type product is aluminium phosphide (AlP). Active ingredient of plate type product is magnesium phosphide (Mg3P2).


Fumigation is a very safe operation when it is carried out by professional staff in good cooperation with, for example, grain storage/shipboard personnel.

If you need a fumigation treatment for your products or would like more information about it, please contact us. We are happy to tell you more!