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Pest control of silverfish

One of the most common insects which are controlled in the pest control field, is actually Silverfish. Antitec helps you to get rid of them with high-quality and professionalism, whether the problem is in your household or in your business facility.


Silverfish pest control with professionalism

Pest control technician creating a report after his/her pest control actions.

Silverfish are a common problem in households and business facilities. They enjoy damp and dark environment e.g., bathrooms, kitchen and basements. These small silverish insects are quite annoying when you encounter them.

Pest control professionals have efficient methods for eliminating these insects. Pest control professionals use the most modern methods and also think green.

Modern insecticides are safe to use and at the same time provide long-term effect.

Pest control professionals identify the problematic areas and use insecticides only upon need.


How to identify silverfish?

Silverfish are small and silverish insects. They can grow up to 1-2 cm. Their body is long, flat and narrowing to its back end.

As they name indicates, they are shiny silver of grey coloured. They have also three long hairs in their back end.

They move very fast, which makes their control even harder. They like to live in damp and dark environment.

They are active mostly at night time. Most common way to encounter a Silverfish, is when you switch on the lights of a room, which contains a water tap and sewerage.

How do I know have I silverfish in my residence?

You can encounter silverfish in couple of ways

  1. Visual sightings
    • Silverfish are active mostly at night time. They move in dark and damp spaces. In the day time, they are hidden in cracks and holes and their visual sightings are therefore more rare.
  2. Skin leftovers
    • When Silverfish grow, they drop their skin. Their skin leftovers can be occasionally seen near flooring lists.
  3. Moisture and warmth
    • Humid and warm rooms, which are not properly ventilated, provide a cosy place for Silverfish to live. Pay attention to their moisture level.

Silverfish as pictured from side.

Silverfish control: vacuuming

Vacuum regularly. By doing that, their food sources and hiding places are removed.

Vacuuming does not prevent them from entering your home.

Eventhough, Silverfish are mostly aesthetical pests, professional pest controllers are needed especially when their population is somewhat larger.

Remember that in Finland, all work done at your household, can be reported to tax authorities with a possibility to get some money back.

Easy Silverfish tip: Pour hot water into sewerage

By rinsing sewerages with hot water, helps to keep Silverfish population low. It is a common DIY method to eliminates their eggs and newborns living there.

By adding some vinegar or baking sooda to the water, effect may be larger. This especially helps to clear any organic material, which acts as their food source and also helps them to climb up the sewerage.

Remember that boiling water may do significant damage to the pipeline. First, make sure that pipes really handle hot water.

Silverfish pest control with professionalism

Silverfish pest control in business facilities

We have several methods and insecticides available for Silverfish. Pest control companies have their preferred insecticides and also their methods.

Our professional insecticides have far more long-time effect than insecticides available for everyone.

Long-time effect is needed because the life cycle of silverfish is quite long and effect shall be longer than that in order to get proper results. By working like that new generation is also eliminated at the same time.

Silverfish is a relative harmless and aesthetical pest to most people.

However, if you feel annoyed by its presence, contact our customer service for more information.

Antitec customer service

Antitec Silverfish pest control near you

We eliminate Silverfish nationwide in Finland. You can also contact your local office, request quote and schedule a suitable pest control timetable with them.

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